Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kelly Burchfield


     Before watching the video interview about Perry, I looked up a few pieces of his work. I was in complete sensory shock. His pieces were overwhelmingly busy. The interview began with the debate about Perry's use of ceramics in his pieces and if he is in fact a "ceramicist". Perry appeared highly offended with people who try to label him as anything less than an "ARTIST". His view on why he is not a ceramicist is because,..."what he does, is beyond, simply making something for function". During the interview Perry gave the impression that he finds "functional art" pathetic and unworthy of being called art.
      I disagree with Perry on his claim to not be a ceramicist. He is a ceramicist, a craftsman, and an artist. Without the skill of ceramics, Perry would be unable to make his art upon them. Perry stated to the interviewer, " ...that he can in fact teach ceramics". I doubt Perry has ever heard the phrase, in order to teach, one must first master. Perry has went beyond simply mastering a craft. He has learned to make each of his skills become an extension of himself.
     Perry's portrayal of himself as a hater of trends, brands, stereotypes, and pretty much any label in general; seems pretty hypocritic. His insistence on being called an "ARTIST", not ceramicist, is only one example. Perry is guilty of name dropping: other artists, the Brands that sponsor him, and even promoting his fashion classes. Perry claims that he dresses like a woman to make a statement, yet he wastes no time in mentioning the classes he teaches, repeatedly. He is making himself a walking billboard. Which I would generally have no problem with self promotion, but don't spout a bunch of lines about integrity and then do the opposite. He could just be honest and say, I wear these weird outfits because my students design them to embarrass me. Perry mocks fashion, yet works for the rulers of the fashion world. He is their jester. He mocks them and criticizes their lifestyle, and continues to live alongside them, never really being individual.       

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