Thursday, October 11, 2012

Codi Rennke


Irit Lepkin's piece "Shattered Dreams" is made of clay and barbed wire.  It is a material hybrid in that it uses two different materials, incorporatng both in sigfificant ways.  She formed fifteen human faces from clay using varying colors of clay bodies and it looks to me like she used press molds to do so because of the edges of the forms- they come to a flat, jagged plane on most if not all.  These varying human faces in my opinion are symbolic of the different bad moods/sadness that people go through because of her choice of colors (mostly neutrals with gray and blue).  She combines these clay forms with barbed wire which I assume represents the barriers that are placed on people in varying cultures which "shatter" their dreams.  Had she used a different material other than clay, it would not have had the organic, earthy feel that gives us a sense that we are all connected children of the universe. And had she used a material other than barbed wire, I would not get the same sense of harshness and possibly impending doom. 

Lepkin does not have an official artist webpage displaying her work but here is a link to one of the galleries that showcase her work:

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